Well, my philosophy is very similar to my nutrition mindset and this is:
Make sure you vary it up, try new things, explore – even if you try it only once! This will keep you engaged for the long term.
So in terms of exercise, I believe the body was meant to move – and if you’ve seen someone else move in a certain way, more often than not you too can do it (it might take some practice, but you could do it).
Thus, to answer the question above, my exercise routine varies considerably to the new environments and methodology I want to try. I try everything. It’s like play for me.
What exercises have a I tried recently?
To give you an idea of what I’ve been doing recently, here’s some interesting exercise styles in the public at the moment:
Find out some exercise workouts and routine styles. Read on below.
People like Ido Portal are into preaching about functional and primal movements. For example, Ido imitates like nature and animals such as lizards as well as flow-like movements such as breakdancing, parkour, etc., and that’s fantastic because the body can do that. These are very interesting and challenging workouts but at the same time quite fun.
There are bodybuilding exercises for aesthetics which is basically to look good and increase size. Of course, everyone wants to look their best!
There are other philosophies like strength training, eastern bloc training and there’s also powerlifting. These are excellent for increasing your power, strength and physical ability.
There’s also sports specific exercise routines as well as commercial programs such as Crossfit, F45, Zumba and Les Mills (group fitness) which have mass appeal and also have an inbuilt social component to it making it a nice activity to engage with others while pursuing an active lifestyle.
Personally, I try all of them and I encourage you to do the same. Take on the personal challenge.
As a caveat, I do come from a rugby & athletics background so I’ll tend to favour rugby and athletes training but in my maturity as a coach I’m not afraid to try everything else because I love pushing myself to my best and I also want to enjoy all that’s out there in the world of exercise workouts and routine styles.
Go for it!
Need extra help?
My PURITY Protocol is an amazing resource packed with 6 secrets to detox your life and supercharge your energy. It’s my personal wellbeing philosophy. Check it out here.
The First Five Fitness program is a complete 35 day guide to nutrition, mindset, and fitness for beginners and intermediates AND it only takes five minutes blocks to start. Click here for details.
Don’t know what or how to cook and prepare food?! Check out My Meals & Recipes bookhere. It’s packed with loads of practical, healthy and simple to make breakfast, lunch, dinner options as well as snacks and drinks.
Want live coaching? Click here to contact me. I look forward to working with you soon.
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash
Chris Everingham lives and breathes health & fitness.
Hi, I’m Chris Everingham.
I’m sharing the holistic performance secrets that I both personally used to overcome racial scrutiny, escape poverty and depression, AND taught others so that they too could bring proven success and happiness into their lives.
Learn more about my time competing in international sports, in front of media and speaking with live audiences of thousands of people to discover my high performance secrets. Click here to grow your mindset, rewire your habits and transform your life.
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