Episode 105 – Rhythm – the new way to think about health and fitness


Have you ever been known to be “too extreme?”

How does this happen?

Well, maybe for a moment you’ve forgotten the big picture – the rhythm of your life.

Health and fitness is really about stepping back and looking at the big picture and finding the right puzzle pieces that work, ie. the healthy habits that you can do for life – this is the new way to think about health and fitness.

Maybe it scares you to see the obvious.

Or maybe it’s just commitment to lifelong habits…haha.

Find them.

Then do them anyway.

What’s this about rhythm?!

Rhythm is a process.

Come to think of it, you are a process.

Rhythm is the very essence of your physiology – homeostasis – which when broken down literally means “same” and “status”.

You’re growing and you’re dying.

You’re winning and you’re learning.

You’re in constant evolution.

You’re coming to (re)balance.

Read on below to discover more about the new way to think about health and fitness.

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